Random Tuesdays: Roasted Garlic + Roasted Garlic Butter

Never tried it with Parmesan cheese! Sounds great! Thanks for sharing!

piping dreams

Oh, garlic. How we love you. How you make any and every dish sing. How you beguile us with your charms, seeping out of our pores like some noxious gas, all the while making us believe that we do, in fact, smell attractive to those in our immediate vicinity. We choose to believe it.

Here’s the thing. When you infest my fridge in droves, like, in 600,000 cloves? I can’t seem to use you fast enough. You start…sprouting. And you become less than you were meant to be.

It is my hope that by roasting you, mashing you and spreading you, I can make you presentable and delectable once again. Please do understand.

I hope things can be right between us.

Always and ever yours,


Roasted Garlic + (Butter)

2 heads garlic

olive oil

4 tablespoons butter

1/8 cup grated parmesan

Preheat oven to 400° F.

Peel the garlic…

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